Carmel-by-the-Sea named as one of 10 Beautiful Small Towns in America

Redfin offers blog articles on real estate topics including Buying and Selling a home, Home Improvement, Life & Style, Finance, and News & Data. Recently they’ve published an article that includes our neighbor, Carmel-by-the-Sea, as one of their recommended 10 Beautiful Small Towns in America Worth Moving To Today. They’re right, Carmel-by-the-Sea IS BEAUTIFUL!  If you’re taking a cue from Redfin and visiting Carmel’s picturesque coastal community, consider including a leisurely drive inland towards the sunshine, heading southeast on Carmel Valley Road. There’s plenty to see; Carmel Valley’s pastures, vineyards and mountains offer a perfect compliment to the white sand shores and towering pines of Carmel-by-the-Sea.


Posted in Valley History

Carmel Valley Airport Open Space Fundraiser, Trailside Cafe & Beer Garden

Raise a pint (and a fork) to help conserve the Carmel Valley Airfield for community use. On October 16, starting at 6:30 pm, Trailside Cafe will be serving a traditional Oktoberfest meal, including beer and wine, to get you into the spirit. Exciting Raffle Prizes too!


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WILD & BLUE, LIVE MUSIC, Trailside Cafe & Beer Garden

Join us to listen to  the live music of WILD & BLUE – Americana, Vintage Country, Rock and Soul in the Beer Garden. Free show starts at 6 pm.


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Carmel Valley Historical Society

The History of Carmel Valley’s Robles del Rio Subdivision

By Jeff Ohlson, Carmel Valley Historical Society
Painting by Patty Gaglioti


Back in 1927 developer Frank Porter and two partners purchased 678-acres of Rancho Los Laureles, naming it Robles del Rio (“oaks by the river” in Spanish) Carmelo Subdivision. In 1932 Porter bought out his partners and built Robles del Rio Lodge that included 35 guest rooms, a fine dining restaurant, pool, spa, tennis courts, theta , and horse stables. He also formed the Robles del Rio Carmelo Water Company to provide water to Robles residents. Porter sold the 10-acre lodge in 1939.

Many people who’ve heard of the exhibit are beginning to share their personal stories about the Lodge much to our delight. One of our members was on a remote island off the coast of Japan and ran into a couple who once they learned that Andy lived in Robles said, “Oh, we loved the Lodge and returned often!” 5,000 miles away and the three of them had connection! Still others recount their early years working in the Lodge restaurant or for wedding and anniversary parties. One person remembered making 50 cents/hour as a waiter.

Posted in Valley History
Sam Johnston Original


Original Oil Painting by Sam Johnston

The 13-mile drive on Carmel Valley Road begins at Highway One, follows along the Carmel River and offers a unique scenic landscape all its own. The beautiful countryside is dotted with horse ranches, vineyards, five championship golf courses, renowned resorts, shopping, wine tasting, quaint inns and lodges. The perfect place to get away, relax and enjoy the wide variety of activities offered in the area. One of the biggest decisions you must make when planning any vacation is where you will stay. Carmel Valley offers a range of fantastic options for accommodations. As an added bonus, almost all of these hotels are dog friendly, so you can bring your four-legged family members along without any extra worry. (visit each hotel’s website for details on the property’s specific pet policy)

Posted in Local
Artist Patty Gaglioti

Waving My Brush Attcha

By Patty Gaglioti, Carmel Valley Art Association

Waving My Brush Attcha:
Artist living on the mountain in Carmel Valley, Cachagua

Patty lives deep in the mountains of Carmel Valley with her partner Tom and many animals. They enjoy a remote off-grid life style t their “Hodge Podge Lodge”. Her “tree-top” studio overlook the Cachagua Valley and Los Padres forest. This quiet reclusive life is inspirational in and to her work. Believing we should follow our passion, writing this blog satisfies another part of her “creative itch.“

A little about where I live and how I paint:

“I’m drawn to country, animals, aging barns and overgrown homesteads. Old buildings that lean and shed their paint grab my attention. They have untold stories hidden in their walls. These things draw me to my easel. Cachagua is rich with these historical subjects.

I knew some of the old timers in these places. I rode their ranches, drank their “grappa” and listened to their tales. I”m motivated by it’s colorful past, it’s today, and the animals… they grab me with their whispers. Cachagua has special meaning. I try to capture those whispers in my work. This quiet reclusive life seems to be truly inspirational.

Each painting has it’s own life, conveyed in its own way. Some paintings call to be done quickly and simply in plein air. Other paintings need detailed plans and preliminary color notes. Often I draw attention with precise shapes and edges, intense color and value contrasts. I use a limited palate of subtle earth tones and value changes. Conveying the emotion and message is the fun part… sometimes the hardest part.”

I grew up drawing horses and pictures on my school work, instead of the math assignment. A giant box of crayons was the ultimate gift. Artists become artists with a variety of credentials … life, brush-miles, artist mentors, workshops, educational degrees, instructional internet/books, and persistence. I’ve had them all and am still seeking. It’s an exciting search.

Posted in Local Characters
Cima Collina

A Taste of History

By Kristin Horton, Cima Collina

Carmel Valley Village, a hidden gem off the Monterey Peninsula, continues to be an ideal spot for wine tasting with friends and discovering new treasures – for locals and visitors alike. As more tasting rooms pop up, each brings a bit of character to this quaint region and gives wine aficionados yet another reason to return. For those looking for a taste of history on the next visit, Cima Collina’s tasting room brings visitors back in time as one of the oldest historical landmarks in Carmel Valley Village.

Cima Collina’s tasting room is located in an original 19th century building in Carmel Valley Village. Built in 1890 by one of the area’s early pioneers, William Hatton, the building was originally used as an auxiliary creamery for Hatton’s successful dairy business in the Carmel Valley. One of his modern innovations to the dairy business, a special ventilation tower intended to help rapidly cool the milk, was incorporated in the dairy design. Some of the earliest Monterey Jack cheeses were made on the premises, and it remains the most prominent structure standing today of the original Del Monte Dairy’s auxiliary site. Since the dairy, the “old milk barn” has been home to Carmel Valley’s first post office and stop for the stagecoach on route to Tassajara Hot Springs, an art gallery, and a handful of local favorite restaurants. Much of the original architectural details are still in place today, including the innovative ventilation tower, perched above the roofline. Today, rustic interior bat and board, exposed ceiling rafters and period glass surround guests while tasting Cima Collina wines.

Posted in Wineries
Hidden Valley Seminars

Master Classes, Concerts and Construction, Oh My!

By Ashley English, Hidden Valley Music Seminars

Summer is underway here at Hidden Valley! And with summer comes the bread and butter of Hidden Valley Music Seminars—Master Classes! Nearly every week for the span of a couple of months, we have at least one professional musician on campus teaching an elite group of advanced students the skills that have contributed to their rise to the top of their respective fields. From the Principal Oboe of the Metropolitan Opera to the Principal Bassoon and Solo Clarinet of the New York Philharmonic to the Principal Cello of The Cleveland Orchestra, we provide students unprecedented access to incomparable master musicians at the height of their crafts. The opportunity is an extraordinary one, and our students travel from all across the country (and even internationally) to experience the incredible learning environment that is Hidden Valley.

But the summer is not just for our Master Class participants! You (yes you!) have the opportunity to experience these master musicians as well! Every year we host a Masters Festival Concert Series, and this year marks our 36th anniversary! This series consists of concerts that feature our master musicians in programs ranging from classical to contemporary to jazz. Many of these concerts highlight instruments that are seldom heard in solo performance, providing a unique opportunity to experience these instruments at their absolute best. Here at Hidden Valley, we draw together artist and audience in an intimate setting allowing for an unparalleled experience with the top performing professionals of our time.

Posted in Local
Boys Will Be Boys

Humor: A Force to be Reckoned With

By Will Bullas, Carmel Valley Road Co.

It was the 5th grade at Paiute Elementary School in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1959. After school and while on my way home I was accosted by three school bullies. The leader and toughest was an unusually tall-for-his-age red headed kid (what else) named Kenny. He was drenched in freckles (what else) and was the obvious choice for spokesman.

He blustered up to me with the declaration of, “I heard what you said about me.” Kenny’s two thugs, standing close behind him made grunting noises in support of his statement to me.

I thought at the very least it was going to lead to a punch in the nose for me. At this point, I suppose Kenny expected me to run away screaming and crying for my mother. Leaving behind more fodder for the “trail of terror” Kenny was probably expecting.

Instead, frozen in place and in an act of unsolicited response, I replied in a very matter-of-fact and casual manner (while miming a glance at my non-existent wristwatch), “You know, Kenny (using his name implied I knew him, which I did not), I’m in a hurry, but for you, I have just enough time for a good beating.”

I’m sure that in part it was my deadpan delivery that caught him off guard. Kenny’s two lackeys hadn’t a clue as to what I was talking about. They were along just for the ride, anyway.

Posted in Local Characters
Hidden Valley Music Seminars

May at Hidden Valley

By Ashley English, Hidden Valley Music Seminars

I can’t believe that we’re already in May! As a nonnative of California, I’m convinced that the endless stream of beautiful weather is messing with my sense of time. I’m used to snow and cold and seasons, to the world browning in the fall and greening in the spring. But here I am, one day after another—beautiful, mild, (dare I say perfect?) weather that makes me feel like I’m living in a perpetual spring. Could I request more problems like this, please???

It doesn’t help that every morning when I come to work I am hit smack dab in the face with Hidden Valley’s beauty. Last month it was the wisteria in full bloom as it cascaded down the pergola; this month I’m enamored by the powerful oak tree that steadfastly welcomes our theatregoers. It’s too beautiful not to be loved. But I digress!

April was filled with so many wonderful events: the String Orchestra of Hidden Valley Spring Concert, This, That, or Something Else presented by the Monterey County Composers’ Forum, The Carmel Valley Garden Show. The String Orchestra Concert did not disappoint, and I’m eagerly awaiting their return in the fall. Music Director Stewart Robertson is an absolute charmer with a passion for music that simply emanates from him. It was a pleasure to experience this concert with him, and I look forward to many more! This, That, or Something Else was pretty much exactly as I had forecasted in my previous blog, and I was thrilled! The Hidden Valley Theatre was full of electricity on that day. If you have never experienced being in a room full of people who simply love to play and create music, let me tell you that it is a compelling experience. I, for one, was ready to stand up and join in on the creation. Don’t worry. I resisted the temptation. And last, but certainly not least, The Carmel Valley Garden Show was a tremendous success! I have heard from numerous community members that they attended on Saturday and just had to come back on Sunday. I would like to applaud all of the hard work of the Carmel Valley Garden Club; you have all worked so hard to make this an event worth coming to!

Posted in Local
Hidden Valley Seminars

The Magic of Hidden Valley

By Ashley English, Hidden Valley Music Seminars

There is something hidden here.

As I make my way down the driveway and onto the dirt road, I can’t help but wonder, what magic have I found? I marvel at the greenery, the natural beauty that is so characteristic of Carmel Valley. But here, there is something different. An energy, a story, a spirit.

I open my car door to the crisp, cool air of the morning. I’m greeted by the sweetest sound of playful birds as they pass overhead, by the rustle of leaves in a delicate breeze that seems to settle the day into place. There is a stillness here. And yet, knowing what I know about this place, the stillness, the quietude, is but one thread in this intricate quilt called Hidden Valley.

For those of you who have been to Hidden Valley Music Seminars, you know of the magic I’m referring to. It can’t be fully articulated, but it can be fully felt by any person who chooses to cross its threshold.

Hidden Valley Music Seminars was born 53 years ago in 1963 out of a deep concern for the development of extraordinarily talented young artists. It wasn’t until 1972 that it found its current home, nestled in the foothills of the Santa Lucia Mountain Range. For 44 years, Hidden Valley has been a constant in the Carmel Valley community. The number of people it has touched, the number of people who have experienced this place, is too many to count. And yet, it has somehow been able to maintain this incredible sense of both exclusivity and community. It is both a best-kept secret and a welcome home.

Posted in Local

Quail & Olive

Written by Dr. Stephen Brabeck, The Quail and Olive

What’s all the buzz about olive oil?

We are what we eat. We’ve all heard this, and in the case of olive oil, it is really true.  Olive oil is good for your heart health and is a great example to show why it is important for us to choose what we eat wisely.  


Posted in Local

It’s Always Sunny in Carmel Valley

By Michael Chatfield • Photography by Kelli Uldall, Carmel Magazine

There’s a buzz in Carmel Valley. Not too many years ago, that buzz would probably have emanated from the flies hovering around the horses on one of the Valley’s numerous working ranches. Now, in the early years of the twenty-first century, that sound is the vibrant hum of commerce, the buzz of business, the happy hum of people having fun. And it is a happy place; a place of sunshine, warmth and hospitality. If it’s foggy in Monterey or Carmel, chances are the sun is beaming bright in the Valley, especially east of Quail Lodge and Golf Club, about three miles from Highway 1 on Carmel Valley Road. Not that long ago, Carmel Valley was rural with a capital “R.” Dairy farms, horse ranches, fruit and nut orchards, row crops, hay fields.


Posted in Carmel Magazine Archives